Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Tang Hua-
We will soon look like a space age Barney Rubble. To drive this makes you the laughing stock to the world. Now add a rotor on top-great helo, Port holes-submarine.
Lets see what China produces next-The TangK


RangerBill said...

imagine a rather large proportioned person trying to fit into these

Heidi said...

I wonder if it comes with a can opener?

Stan Harrington said...

I did not get to see the "two seater", I got the sedan but with the two seatrher, I wouldhave room for dutch. Do you see any windows on the sides of these cars?

RangerBill574 said...

no windows, no floor, strap on the seat belt and run down the road, an enclosed rickasha

RangerBill574 said...

how many hamsters drive this thang