Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tribute in Aspen
No I did not plant them, neither did Larry. But they are tributes to someone and may be found
at Chepeta Park in Montrose, CO. I 'll lay claim to them for Dad, Mom, Tad and Don.
Or perhaps it's best to remember this time of the year for where their spirits and ours can best link up. For Don, I feel closest when I passed the turnoff to his cabin on my last run through
Western Colorado. For Mom and Dad, same route, I thought of them as I glanced up the Soap Creek valley near Blue Mesa. And Tad, Soldiers Summit, Utah. Those wild growing Aspen
are tribute enough and that is how the good Lord intended it. Check out Iditipoem for Don's cabin poem. Happy Holidays you all, picked up an accent in Texas. Came back out of Texas via Hoxley County. Looked for Fred. Passed close to Crawford. Delivered into Albuquerk and am now headed to Farmington, then to L A. My birthday was GREAT and so was Turkey Day.


Heidi said...

I am glad you are doing well,sorry I missed your birthday... but loose the accent. K?
I too have found my self thinking about Grandma and my trip south with Dad, in fact I just cleaned my sex rock Uncle Don gave me out of Grandmas flower bed.

Stan Harrington said...

Yeh, nice trees! But that is o.k., the thought was there. Like you, as I passed rthe turn off to the cabin this fall, Ihtought about the cabin and if I would ever visit it again - I don't know if it would be the same as the day that we were all there together. I am forunate in that each time I cross the Anchor River, I think of the folks although, I wish we had picked out a better hole, I have never caught a fish there but I blame it on dad's ghost! Tad, just so many memories, he cast a long shadow. Sorry you missed Fred, you know he did not make the finals this year - came in 37th! But made some good notes on his blog site.

john r mclay said...

I think - with a "Tex"cent = it would be "y'all", no? Next thing, you'll want to pick up ebonics...Hope the B-Day was as great as capitalizing letters.

Stan Harrington said...

What did you do on your birth day that made it so GREAT? Give us some details! Did you get a cake? Big dinner? Who did you celebrate it with?

Shana said...

I did not even know it was your sorry...Happy Belated Birthday...and I already know what made it so great as I read the last post
Uncle Don...any time I am looking at the mountains...and when I am peeing in the duc house...hehe
Grandma is with me every meal I cook...she does not need her own kitchen...she comes to mine.
and Grandpa...well when ever I need a feeling of child hood I think of bouncing on his knee, pulling his suspenders and he is here beside me tickling me with his whiskers...

I did not have the luck to be born before Uncle Tad died...but I can not watch a wrestling match without thoughts of the Uncle i never knew...

Happy Holidays and Wish you could come North for the Christma is for family after all.

love ya and hope all is well with your have not called so i guess it is ok..... your in my thought and prayers.