Monday, February 09, 2009

This ought to ring a bell for Hyperbole Prattle.
Guess where this is...


Stan Harrington said...
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Stan Harrington said...

I had to give this a little thought, at first I thought perhaps with the hint you gave me it was the Maroon Bells in Colorado. then I enlarge it to get a better look at the buildings. I recognized those as my #2 Fire Station was located just a short distance from this spot, this is naval Communications Station, Adak, Alaska. Not to be confused with Naval Station, Adak, Alaska. Same island, different command.

RangerBill said...

Yep, tis Commsta Adak, was my home for near a year. That was a good year also. Remember the Lake below Moffett? I'd hike out to the seawall dodging old land mines and camp in the old WWII gun emplacements.

Stan Harrington said...

The lake had good Kokanee fishing in it, great little fish to smoke.