Friday, November 28, 2008

Thankyou President G.W. Bush
Mr. President, we the American people owe you a debt of gratitude for
keeping us safe over the last seven years of your term.
I went overseas to Iraq in response to my support of President Bush and
our country's involvement in the war on terror. I doubt I would however walk
across the street for Barak Hussein Obama. I will always be willing for go to
hell and back for our country, just not for Obama.


Stan Harrington said...

I to, thank President Bush for the past eight years that he has been at the helm. He was the right man at the right place in the history of our nation, history will be much kinder to him than the current mass media and majority of the Americans.
As for our earlier conversation, fresh cherries and I had better see some with stems still attached gladly will I trade some fudge for cherries. If not cherries, I will send you forty pounds of a mixed variety of fudge in exchange for your farm tractor. You pay the freight on the tractor and I will likewise pay the freight on the fudge, oh yes~ the tractor has to be intact ~ no one part at a time, I would never get it back together again.

RangerBill574 said...

Maybe I'll deliver the tractor