Let's get this record straight for once.
George W. Bush was trained to fly the F102, an interceptor aircraft
often seeing service over Alaska and the Gulf (Mexican Gulf)Coast.
Why-to thwart the Russian Bear bombers that kept entering our airspace. This aircraft saw limited duty in SE Asia-why-because there were better aircraft and it was due to retire. The last F102 left the theatre in 1969 so George could never have flown in Vietnam for that reason alone. The f102 was fully retired from service in 1976 so President Bush's 1973 departure from military duty fits the facts. To keep him in the service would have required more training in another aircraft and high costs. I imagine the choice was given him-pursue that training and extend for umpteen years or take an early discharge. I would hope this puts his critics abuse to rest but alas I know better. I would match Bush's record against many others-Bill Clinton for instance or John F. Kerry.
ya ya ya...planes trains and automobiles...the cause of global warming? hehe...loves ya and take care.
How can you match President Clinton's military record to Presisdent Bush - Clinton did not have one! As for Kerry, he may have been a Lt. but he was not in the same Navy as I, I was taught as a young sailor that you salute an officer out of respect for the uniform he wears, you are not saluting the person wearing the uniform consequently in my opinion Kerry does not deserve either because he disgraced the uniform and any time he wants to debate an old retired Chief Petty Officer, come on down! As for being a boat operator, I knew a lot of those boat operators on the rivers of Vietnam and he does not derve to compared to them. See what happened, you pushed my button. I will shut up! But first, in the past 46 years of Amercian history that there has been four good Commanders in Chief, J.F.Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and his son George Bush. Those rated the worse would be Clinton, Carter, and L.B. Johnson in that order.
see NRO article by Makubin Owen
Feb 2004, real good article and
answers the critique of GW
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