Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Business Plan
Sort of like the red one but bigger, what can one do for living if they live in Hyder, AK.
A retired trucker could make a living perhaps with a floating convenience store, ferrying it
from markets in Ketchikan to distant SE ports like Hyder. Fuel, convenience items, mail, personal freight.....


john r mclay said...

Have you thought of a blimp, or, Dirigibles (sp? a blimp with a cargo barge under it)? How many places you could go with the convenience mart!

Heidi said...

When the kids are grown, I will partner up with you.

Stan Harrington said...

Hyder, Alaska - never heard of it! Isn't that in Canada? I do not think your CDL will qualify you to run a barge, I thnk you needeth additional documentation and a boat!