Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Will the insanity ever stop? Trekking around the country listening to the minute by minute
coverage of Anna Nicole Smith and also of the Astronut in Didees. By now the list of those
claiming to be fathers is growing to one to rival opening day at Toys are Us when the latest
Nintendo system is released. Sadly none of these seem to have cared for the baby till the
fortune was put into play. Zza Zza Gabor ought divorce her cheating duke leaving him without
either nest eggs. I imagine Bill Clinton at the end of the line saying "I think I had sex with
THIS woman". I would hope the judge who is ruling on the outstanding paternity suit jails
the lawyer/hopeful father for contempt of court. Anna and he were in the US without the baby
in an attempt to prevent legal due process. I'd jail him till the baby is delivered for proper DNA
testing. Anyone who is present at two untimely deaths has alot of explaining to do. Gee
Mr. Stearn-why do we keep meeting under such circumstances. Anna left quite a mess behind
and that poor baby will have to pay the price.


Stan Harrington said...

Some very valid points and I do agree with you, the best thing they could do is determine the biologiocal father and when the courts decide how much money is involved in the lawsuits, take the proceeds and put it in a trust account until the baby is 21 years old - no one gets a penny but her. She is the forgottan one - by the way Ranger Bill, were you not in Las Vegas the same time that Anna was visiting there about the right time - get in line buddy!

Stan Harrington said...

I had not thought of Bill Clinton being involved - I wonder? The Secret Service was able to sneak Marilyn Monroe in and out of the White House under a different President.

Heidi said...

I was saddened by the amount of media coverage she got. I think I have heard more about her life and death then I did when President Ford Passed away. So sad...that the people would rather hear about a doped up big boobed dysfunctional blonde.