Sunday, February 18, 2007

A load of pepsi cans out of LA took me to Phoenix. That short run led to the current load.
I picked up this mysterious white powder(40+thousand pounds) in Superior, AZ. Down
through the San Carlos Apache Rez, then New Mexico and now Texas. A few more of the Southern
states to go to reach my destination near Atlanta, GA. I really do not know what I am hauling
but I assure everyone that the load did not come with straws. Bloggin near Ft. Worth. If
stopped, it'll be near Ft. Leavenworth.


Stan Harrington said...

Hauling a "white powder" substance and you get "spammed" - I wonder who is watching your site and if you will make it through the next weigh station. If you were coming north, I would have guessed that you were bringing me my yearly supply of Borax so I can cure my salmon eggs, I go through almost that much. Had a little "smoked salmon" today during the Daytona 500 - iut was so good. I think i am the only one in the family that still has a "big" supply left. Most of them missed the concept that first you have to catch the salmon before you can have smoked salmon for the winter. You should taste my, "NEW" and very secret cure, it is the best I have ever tasted - can't weait until spring so I can smoke up a fresh batch.

Stan Harrington said...

Pertaining to anotehr posing - I understand that Bill C. will not come forward in the Nicole case, he is still trying to define what "is" is. However, Al Egore is considering making a run for it, he figures what could be worse, linked with Nicole, "Ketchup Queen", Hillary C., or Rosey O'Donnel