the real
versus the
want to be
John F. Kennedy and Barack H. Obama
Lets start with military experience since the President is after all the Commander in Chief.
Barack-None, Kennedy-U.S. Navy, skipper PT109, hero-saved human life, served in WWII.
Sorry Barack-you are no Jack Kennedy.
The dems are desperate to replicate Kennedy because they have not had one as good since. John F. Kerry fell far short and now they are touting Barack - they truly do not get it-John F. Kennedy
can not be replicated.
Sadly however some will vote for Obama for all the wrong reasons.
For those that were not yet born or to young to remember the Kennedy Administration, a good read would be the fourteen day time frame of the Cuba Crisis when he backed down Nikitta Kruschev (sic)and the U.S.S.R. He is the only President to take us to and back from the brink of a nuclear war through a two prong approach, the use of military power and diplomacy with the show of power. He was a good Commander In Chief, being a Republican, I would have voted for him, I missed the election by one year. The Democrats had Kennedy, the Republicans had Reagan, it will be sometime before either party has a candidate to match the merits of these two men. Kennedy was Commander In Chief when I joined the Navy, Senator Barrack Hussein Obama was no Kennedy. I would rather compare him to President Carter.
"I did I did I did the Iditarod trail" Lyrics from a great song...sung by who?
Hope all is good in Colorado...and hope to see you this and
Well Uncle Bill I should inform you that with modernized science...a small sample of JFKs DNA would allow man kind to "recreate" this man...although the new one would only look like the man they can partially replicate him...hehe...kinda scary really.
You can rebuild the man through dna but character is not remade so easily.
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