I tire of the Sara bashing by Hollywood and media sources.
She has taken way too much crap for her statement-"I can see Russia from my backyard".
1) she was not speaking literally, a long time cliche put forth by Alaskan geographers was somewhat figurative.
2) but if you consider that while not her actual backyard, Alaska does have a view of Russia on a clear day from Diomede Island. Yes Russia does share a boundary with the United States. In fact Russian terra firma is only 2.4 miles distant.
She was critisized for not having foriegn policy experience which was unfair. Likely had more than any other Governor-No other state borders two foriegn countries and has relations with both Russia and Canada. She had more experience than Dan Quayle had.
And when they could not find enough substance to go after they attacked her family-we wonder why good people choose not to get involved. Could George Washington have survived politics today, how about Jefferson or Lincoln. How about John F. Kennedy.
Surely can tell the political season has once again arrived. I to agree with your statements pertaining to Governor Palin. Would not be my first choice for President, but she was kind of thrown into the ring as the VP running mate. For all the crap and mud that has been slung at her, I commend her for her fortitude. I have never seen a "family" including children attacked as much as her family by both politicians and news media. I have no problem with her laughing all the way to the bank. Those who tried to destroy her, made her a household name, now live with it.
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