Monday, February 08, 2010

Watch Out for Wildlife
I have been considering a booklet of advice and information for those who need to know how to avoid vehicle wildlife encounters which result in damage to vehicles, injury to drivers and passengers, and fatalities for the wildlife. I came across this photo which demonstrates that some wildlife is not of the meek variety and they actually demand the right of way.
The single best way to reduce your risk of such encounters is to drive slower and when visibility is at its best-during daylight hours. Habitat awareness is key. Look for indicators that wild life is present-manure on roadway, tracks, road kills, warning signs, past experience, other vehicles.
In future blogs I will add to these to help you make 2010 a year without roadkill credits.


RangerBill said...

The fine driving conditions that followed me across the Southern route into Dallas disappeared to be replaced with rain. Trinity River here is a bit high and muddy. Enjoying a day off in big D.

RangerBill said...

Checked on Yukon Quest and Lance Mackey is in 3rd place currently while Steet is in 1st.