Tuesday, January 12, 2010

For Sale
But not this one, one quite like it (less the plow). Will deliver for the right price especially
if it is to Alaska. Or will trade for a Spit Rat's bus or other hippie vehicle. If I can't sell it I am seriously considering joining the carnival circuit-save me from myself.


RangerBill said...

Been soaking up NM sunshine. Now headed East and North to the land of Oz. Will say hi to Dorothy and Toto. Will pass through Cowtown(Dodge City) and will say hi to Kitty. By staying North of the Canadian River I hope to be beyond the area frequented by Blue Duck.

RangerBill said...

The truck featured here is much more cherry than mine. My truck is beyond cherry-maybe even a real slut of a truck.

RangerBill said...

I hope install a wench someday.

Stan Harrington said...

You must be in a hurry to get to the river, didn't even stay around on the sites to leave a comment. I know, "daylight" is burning, perhaps you would have more time to blog and put on some miles if you did not spend so much time in the sleeper. Looking forward to seeing you and your flatbed up north come spring.