Friday, September 04, 2009

Back withing view of the San Juan Mountains.
Spent a couple nights in Paradise, Augie has the waterline
for Don's ponds laid. Visited Cliff, Larry and with MaryJane.
Due to start orientation with Knight on the 8th. I'll check out
the horse markets on Saturday, see the Ridgeway rodeo on Sunday
and head to SLC Monday.


Stan Harrington said...

That is great that you got to visit Paradise. Were you able to drive into it? How does the place look? I would assume we still have the outhouse guard? Glad you had a chance to spend a couple of nights, must have been nice and quiet, except a few ghosts! Also good to hear that you were able to visit the other family members. Good luck at the rodeo, you just going to look and are looking for something to buck? Since you are going to be based out of Salty Lake, does that mean you will visit Beaver more often?

RangerBill574 said...

It looked great, Augie making alot of improvements to the water system. Hunting season approaching, access good both through the gate and from above Paradise. No ghosts but Everett has a way of getting your attention in the dark of night.

Snow1 said...

My brother lives in SLC...are you all set on where you are going to be yet?