Monday, March 23, 2009

The race is over and I missed most of it for having to work.
I see today that there are still five headed down the home stretch to Nome. Maybe this photo is of one of them.


Stan Harrington said...

Hey, a new posting. Yeh, the Iditirod is over for another year. Despite knowing who was going to win the race prior to the half way point, it was a outstanding race. Mackey is definitely the musher to set the standards, coming into Nome his dogs looked as good as they did going down 4th Avenue in Anchorage, heads up and tails wagging. Again, he impressed me again by stopping short of Nome to go to each dog, petting them and talking to them before getting into the mass of news media and fans. He knows his dogs and they respond, have to wonder what other musher would take his primary lead dog and put him in as a wheel dog and moving a two year female into the lead spot. You have to have confidence to move a proven leader for a young dog that has never made the run. By the way, I have an original Obama coin that I will sell you, it is a collectors item and it will increase in value over the years, I know this is true because I saw it on TV.

john r mclay said...

We need to get you a digital screen for the truck. Then you won't miss another Iditarod due to travel.