Monday, April 14, 2008

Forget it is named "Mabel", under new ownership it could be the
"I hope she'll do"


Stan Harrington said...

Hey, that is a good looking boat, I am guessing unsinkable. Notice the door is a water tight door. Coor combinaiton is a little hard to live with but a little haze gray can take care of that.

Stan Harrington said...

"coor" is latin for color in case you were wondering. Withthe Pope being in town I thought I should brush up on my Latin. What are you doing onthe internet, you should be out working the ranch, maybe sneak across the arroyo at night and pick up a few cows and any horses.

Stan Harrington said...

Just talked to you, which made me reflect on "Lonesome Duck". You know, I don't think the Rio Arroyo has ever been conquered. If yu were to get a canoe, raft or even a tube, you could moslty navigate from Lonesome Duck downstream to the Gunnison River and ultimatley to the Coloraod River. Don't foreget to take a rod with you, the rown Trout fishing should be good if you can time it right.

john r mclay said...

"rown" is latin for brown - trout, that is, and plumber's think something different of the species...

Shana said...

I would float those rivers with you Uncle Bill...with or with out the long as you promise me there are NO snakes in them....those critters in the canals are ugly...and sneaky. Maybe they eat "rown" trout.

RangerBill574 said...

Conquering the Rio Arroyo otherwise known as Lotzenheizer Arroyo but known to me as Caballo Agua(horse water) would leave my clothes shredded-it is choked with Chico bushes and I am sure that I would not hear dueling banjos but maybe Blue grass from the Olathe Sweet corn festival.-Squiel like a pig.....