Wednesday, July 18, 2007

So Where Have I Been since July 4

Well, I've been a truckin. The photo above shows that I came through the big Utah

fire . This location is I70 and I15 near Cove Fort, UT. Beaver was spared. I have most

recently been to Roswell, NM. Up and over the Mescalero Apache Rez, through Lincoln County

of Billy the Kid fame, through Ruidoso(meaning?-bear river I think). No aliens spotted in

Roswell. Down to Socorro, TX for the last load and then into Ontario. Passed close to Mecca,

CA. Will pick up next load and be Beaver bound(Well-Sandy, UT).


Stan Harrington said...

You must have been making good time with your truck to get such a good aerial shot of the fire! How fast can go in Beaver? Do you park or land a rig of that type!

Heidi said...

A fire...those have been happening lately. You didn't happen to be around that dust storm in Arizona?

RangerBill574 said...

In Beaver as I type. Fires from a week ago are history but there seems to be one West of Cedar City and I saw alot of smoke on the Arizona strip as I came through the Virgin River gorge.
I have to do about 62 to get airborne. I hit cruise and the wings deploy and 3 or 4 thousand feet is my ceiling.

Shana said...

Hey the under carriage of one of those trucks is intense on take off....but the guy I saw fly forgot to deploy his wings...he landed on his wheels though...Hope the running is smooth, the weather fair...and the girls in abundance...for conversation of course.

Shana said...

Big Wheels Rolling....moving on down the line....Wolf Creek pass going along the great devided...coming on down theeeeee other siiiiddddeeee.....hehe a few lines from a few "trucker" songs I remember.....have fun and enjoy the views. Thinking of you in Alaska

john r mclay said...

Good picture. Was that one of those cases when the trucker spontaneously combusts and all they found was ash and his high heels?

Stan Harrington said...

Don't know where you are at, last time I heard you were headed for Beaver! I know you have an onboard computer sytem, tracking devices, tom-tom, however, I know your dispatchers have so many trucks on our roadways they cannot give you all of the attention that you deserve to make sure you have safe trips. I am now equipped to give you real time weather forecasts and mileage to any storms that you may encounter. All I need to know is what highway you are on and direction you are headed. The names of communities on your horizon or cuirrently at would also make it easier to give you a proper forecast on road conditions and any unexpected delays you may encounter. If any of your trucker buddies would like to subscribe, I am here for them, at a nomimal service charge.

Shana said...

yoooooo whoooooo....where r you????

Heidi said...

Oh, where have you been,
Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
Oh, where have you been,
Charming Billy?

Stan Harrington said...

Billy has been to Cali-forn-i-a and Tex-ass, oh that charming Billy, he has been To Bea-Ver, Den-ver and back to Bea-ver, Oh that charming Billy. He has been everywhere, he has seen the ocean blue, the mountains high and the dusty road to Winamucka, he has been everywhere. He has seen Lake City, Salt Lake City, Circle City and while in Beaver he even saw a little titty, oh that Charming Billy.